Joy Comes in the Morning Psalms 30:4-5 ESV“Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.…
Prophetic Words of Life Proverbs 29: 18 AMP“Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the…
Justice Proverbs 28:5 AMP“Evil men do not understand justice, But they who long for and seek the Lord understand it fully.” I approach this proverb…
Reflections Proverbs 27: 19 NLT“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” We often think…
Stop the Madness Proverbs 26:20 ESV“For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.” The concept…
In Just the Right Moment Proverbs 25:11 NKJV“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver.” Most people have no…
Rescue the Perishing Proverbs 24: 11-12 CBE“Rescue those being taken off to death; and from those staggering to the slaughter, do…
Unfailing Love Psalms 23:6 AMP“Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life,And I shall…
A Good Name Proverbs 22:1 AMP“A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable…
Receiving Knowledge Proverbs 21:11 AMP“When the scoffer is punished, the naive [observes the lesson and] becomes wise; But when the wise and teachable…