
You Surround Me

Psalms 32:7 ESV

“You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah (Pause and think about this)

I like the way David states who God is to Him; he says that God is his hiding place(;) The semicolon states that what is to follow is an explanation or description to the preceding statement. So, God is David’s hiding place which means that God preserves David from trouble (;) Which also means that God surrounds David with shouts of deliverance.

I’m going to tell you this morning the thoughts that God meant that for David is amazing to me. The thoughts of God doing that for us gives me chills bumps, it is just like our Father!

The God and creator of all things is the one that we can run to and know that He will preserve us from trouble. That means He protects, preserves, strengthens, encourages and snatches us out of the fire when we hide ourselves in Him. How do we hide ourselves in God? When we know that He is our all. When we know that He holds all the answers to every situation in our lives. That relationship is not passive, it is not something that we can just take for granted. This kind of protection comes from maintaining a relationship that is minute by minute and hour by hour. It is a consciousness that acknowledges that God is present with us at all times, and we acknowledge His presence at all times.


Lord, You ARE our hiding place. You keep us from trouble, which means that when troubles come our way you will remove the trouble or walk us through the trouble. If that were not enough, when we are in those times when trouble is close You surround us and shout out to the enemy, “this is my child, leave them alone.” Thank You Lord, Amen!

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