
If You Have Seen Me, You Have Seen the Father

John 14:9 ESV

“Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know Me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”

In John 14 Jesus is giving a summary of things that His disciples should know by now and introduce them to the concept that The Holy Spirit will follow up His ministry and continue the work through the Apostles and disciples.

Philip’s request to see the Father was basically asking to see God or a form of God as Moses did. Jesus knew where Philip was going with His question, but Jesus looked beyond the physical implications and addressed the spiritual truth; “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” Better understood, whoever has known me, and my character, words, actions and deeds has seen who God is. Not only was Jesus fully man, He was also fully God.

I think we should all follow this pattern of living. We know in a lot of cases that if you see us, you see our parents in us. We as Christians should be the same with our Lord, if you hear us, you should be able to hear the words of Jesus in our words and mannerisms. I you see us you should be able to see Jesus in our actions, reactions and deeds.


Lord, this morning, our prayer is that we become a reflection of You. If the world sees us and hears us, we want them to hear and see You in us. Despite what we may be going through, good times and bad times, let us become a reflection of Your glory. Let the light of Jesus shine out through our lives that the world may see the light and come to You. In Your name Lord, Amen!

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