Living By Our Words
Proverbs 13:2a, 3
“Wise words will win you a good meal…Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.”
Jesus said, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person” (Matthew 15:11).
Living by the words we speak, in the tone that we speak them, and the intent that we speak them is what will come back to us in blessings or as Solomon said, ruin. Often, we speak out of anger and sometimes out of ignorance.
What I have seen of our Lord in studying His words in the middle of conflict or if he was teaching, He was careful but direct about His words. Even in rebuke He was not out of line. His implication was to speak to the heart, or more, He spoke to the spirit in men and women.
Sometimes we feel like we have certain liberties as Christians to speak to someone harshly, but are we building them up, or tearing them down? Are we encouraging them, or discouraging them? Are we bringing them closer to Jesus, or pushing them away from Jesus?
Wise words will bring us good things, sour words will destroy hearts.
Lord, we give our whole lives to You, including our tongue and lips. We give You our hearts because You said out of the abundance of our heart or mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Take our hearts today for Your purpose and Your words not our words. In Your name Lord Jesus we ask, AMEN!