
The Lord my Help

Psalms 94:18-19 AMP

“If I say, “My foot has slipped,” Your compassion and loving kindness, O Lord, will hold me up. When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comforts delight me.”

When this life gets in the way of our quest to please the Lord, just a whisper of His name places our feet on stable ground. That doesn’t mean that they all go away, God at times will make the storms cease, but other times He will place our feet on stable ground, stand beside us, and He will provide a way for us to escape.

When our thoughts turn to stress and anxiety and they seem to overwhelm us, God will comfort and provide the peace that we need if we will just trust Him. He may not always remove the stress and anxieties, but I promise He will always provide a way of escape.

Too often I know people that worry until they are sick. At times I suffer from anxieties that I cannot control. Most of the time I do not know that I am anxious, but my body reacts to those anxieties, and I suffer for it. It is in those times that I rely on God to provide peace and assurance; He sees me through.


Lord, You are all we have. You are our only hope. Save us from the unstable paths that sometimes we find ourselves on. Drive away the perplexing thoughts and imaginations that cripple us. Be our source of hope, help, strength, encouragement and peace. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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