
Honesty and Wisdom

Psalms 51:6 ESV
“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.”

God wants honesty in our hearts and lives, in fact He requires it. We have to be honest with ourselves first. We have to give ourselves an honest assessment of who we are and who we think we are and who we should be and then pursue what we are capable of. Much of the time people limit themselves by the way they see themselves in their minds.

I’m not an outgoing person, that stems from my childhood. I am the youngest of six boys. I tried to replicate what I saw in my parents and my brothers but failed miserably in the things that I said, at least in my mind that’s the way I saw it. I learned to listen more than I would speak, keeping a conversation going in my head but not really saying too much.

Being a teacher in Sunday School and Wednesday night services at nineteen was not easy for me, but it was the beginning of a walk of honesty of who I was, or who I should be. Becoming a Pastor did not come easy either. People expect me to talk freely, have opinions and give good advice. I’m very comfortable talking about the Words of God because those words are powerful, meaningful, they are life, and they have been my anchor for decades. I have learned, my words, advice, and opinions have to reflect His words.

Honesty came when I began living what I have been reading in God’s Word. I would love to say that at my moment of honesty with myself that wisdom came swiftly, but it did not. Wisdom was bred in the deepest parts of my heart as I began to listen to God through His word and through His Spirit.

Take it from me, be honest with yourself, be honest about who God wants you to be. He will then give you the wisdom to walk out your lives with faith, power and anointing.

Lord, You created us to be who we are supposed to be. We are not an accident; we were designed on purpose and for a purpose. You have planted in each of us truth, integrity, strength and vitality, we have the ability inside to face giants, like David did. We just don’t see that of ourselves. The truth is there inside of us, bring it out in us. With that truth, give us the wisdom to carry out our destiny in You. Thank You Jesus, Amen!