
Believing Jesus

John 4:46b-47,49-50 ESV
“…there was an official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to Him and asked Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. The official said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way.”

This story is captured at the end of John 4 after the scene with the woman at the well and the salvation in Samaria. It is tucked away, it appears, after a great story in Samaria, but it has true significance.

Our version of the Bible is separated into chapters. John was not written in chapters and verses, that was done by the translators to help us learn the narratives. So, this story held significance to John as he was writing his letter, why?

There are several reasons, but the one I see this morning is an official of the Romans who heard about Jesus and believed in Jesus’ power, so he came and asked Jesus for a miracle for his son. Jesus did not go to his son, but only said to the official, “Go; your son will live.” Then the official went away and believed without seeing the results. That takes faith, faith by someone who is not a Jew and is not a Christian at this point in time.

So, my devotion is simple this morning. We have read about Jesus, we have heard what Jesus did, who He was and who He represented. In faith we have believed without seeing Him. We have come to Jesus asking for a new lease on life, and He has granted that request for us.

Now in faith, believe that Jesus is who He says He is, and He can do anything. Time and distance mean nothing to Him. He is the same today as He was two thousand years ago. Whatever our needs are, He can solve every problem, heal in whatever manner He wants to heal, through doctors and nurses, medicine or a miraculous healing, He can do anything.

Whatever the need, give it to Jesus.

Lord, we have heard and read what You did two thousand years ago. We believe in everything that You did, and we still believe that You can do anything, ANYTHING. We give all our cares, our worries, our fears over to You. The things that we are afraid of, are afraid of You. and You are the Master of all things. All things we created by You and for Your direction. We give You our needs this morning and we walk away believing without seeing the miracle, we just believe. In Your name Lord Jesus we ask, Amen!