
My Help

Psalms 121:1-3a
“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber…”

Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations and wonder how we will get out of those situations.

The world can be a frightening place. Crime is ramped, sickness and disease are everywhere. Other nations threaten our peace, shootings occur at schools, and there are people that threaten our peace and security.

Even in the best of situations, there is no assurance that first responders like the police officers or firefighters can keep us safe. There is no guarantee that the doctors and nurses can help us with diseases and sicknesses. So, we ask, from where will we receive help?

Trusting in God is key to feeling confident and secure. Never feel like our only hope is people, although God most often uses people to help us, and God does use first responders to help us, but our greatest hope is in the Lord.

I feel confident and secure, not in alarm systems, even though those systems do help. Not in the police force or sheriffs office, even though sometimes they can help. Our hope should rest in the Lord! Today, lets let our confidence rest in the Lord!

Lord, we look to You. We can look around for people or a safe place to hide, but in fact, we are still vulnerable. We need You Jesus. Be our refuge, our strength, our stronghold today! In Your name Lord Jesus we ask, Amen!

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