
How We See Ourselves

Psalms 18:33-34 ESV
“He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights. He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.”

It’s amusing how we see ourselves sometimes. I always felt like I could do more than I could, or at least should have. My wife says that I try to be superman when I go out and work, but I always feel like I can do more than I should be doing.

David’s imagery of what He can do with God’s help is kind of like that. He said that God made his feet like deer so he could run faster, jump higher with great agility. I’m not a skeptic, whatever David felt like God did for him, I will not doubt David.

After all, as a teenager, He killed a lion and a bear. As a teenager he took on a giant that was skilled in battle and he was almost twice David’s size.

We can say what we want about David’s ability to hit the giant in just the right spot to knock him unconscious, but David still faced this giant head on. Then David ran to meet the giant and after knocking him to the ground with the stone, David took the Giant’s own huge sword and cut off the giant’s head.

So, when David says that God gave him the feet of a deer to run on the heights, and God gave him the arms so strong to bend a bronze bow, (which no one made bronze bows because it would be impossible to bend). Then I believe whatever David says. There is a contemporary song that says, “My God Can,” my God can do anything through me and you.

Lord, I know You can give me the ability to do anything, ANYTHING, even when others think it is impossible. My God Can!!! In Your name Lord Jesus, strengthen all of us today to be who You want us to be, and what You want us to do, Amen!

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