
God is My Refuge

Psalms 18:35 ESV
“You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great.”

David was saying how God is his protector, his shield of salvation. This shield is not a small handheld shield that is often seen in the movies of ancient times. This is a large shield, able to shield the whole body from arrows and swords.

Often times the enemy would shoot flaming arrows to cause fires and destroy strongholds, homes and garrisons that would house soldiers. This shield could stand in front of the soldiers, or it could be lifted above their heads to stop the flaming arrows of the enemy.

David used the reference that God used His right hand to support him. The right hand was symbolic of someone’s greatest power and ability. Being supported or held up strong and steady by God’s right hand gave David tremendous confidence.

Then David says something that is hard to fathom; David said that God’s gentleness made him great.

This gentleness is compassion, it is like someone reaches down to lift someone up off the ground. In essence, David is saying that God reached down and lifted David up and made him who he was. God gave David the confidence, the anointing, the power to become Israel’s greatest King, a man after God’s heart.

This morning, although it is Monday, God is shielding you from harm of the enemies wicked devices. He is making you strong and steady for the day and He is reaching down His right hand to lift you up and make you great today.

Lord, I feel Your protection around me today. I can sense Your right hand steadying my steps and putting me on level ground. Thank you for seeing me the way that You do instead of the way I see myself. You see boldness, I see weakness, You see courage and strength, I see vulnerability. Today, reach way down for me and lift me up and place me on the path that is solid rock. In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, Amen!

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