
My Hiding Place

Psalms 19:114 ESV
“You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.”

Have You ever wanted to hide out from things in this life? I’ve been there many times myself. The hiding time can be a refreshing time but as we all know we have to come out at some point, life must go on. The Psalmist says that God and His word is our hiding place. How does that work?

We have to first know how to find that place of peace in God. For some that takes practice. I usually tell someone that is experiencing turmoil in their life to find a quiet place, turn on some good Christian music of choice, whether it is hymns, country gospel, contemporary gospel, worship songs, or Gospel.

Then begin to decompress, listening, singing, worshiping with no time agenda. If we say, “I’ll give this fifteen minutes,” we will most likely be disappointed. It has to be until we feel a release where we let go of control and give God control.

Lord, be our hiding place today, be our shield. Thank You for Your words of life that give us real life, hope and answers! In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!