
Spirit Without Measure

John 3:33-34 ESV
“Whoever receives His testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true. For He whom God has sent utters the words of God, for He gives the Spirit without measure.”

To believe all that Jesus said and did while He was here on this earth is to certify that God is real. That He is the absolute truth, He is motivated by love, He’s all powerful and all knowing. That He loves us so much that He would do whatever it took to bring us back in right relationship with Him.

Jesus came to shed light on who God really is. He is the God of love, the God of mercy, the God of grace and truth. That would be refreshing news in a world that thrives on lies and deception on the highest level back then and it is just as bad if not worse now.

There is a new Christian song out by a young lady that was a proclaimed atheist. One day she saw the light, discovered the truth about who God really is and she wrote a song. The catch phrase of the song is, “You are not who I thought You were.”

As a child, I thought God was a God of judgment. I thought that He was watching me to try and catch me messing up and pronounce judgment on me.

In my teens I discovered that God was not who I thought He was. I discovered He was the God of love, mercy and truth. He was the God that would move heaven and hades to get me back in right relationship with himself.

In receiving Jesus afresh and anew, I discovered that Jesus had the Holy Spirit in His life without measure, and He was willing to pour that spirit into me. Thank God, He is not who I thought He was as a child. I know He is everything to me!

Father God, we love You and we need You. We receive the testimony of Your Son. We receive grace and mercy and second, third, fourth and a million chances that You have given us. You are so much more. You have given us Your Son with all the power and authority and with limitless power of Your Holy Spirit and through Him Your Son is pouring out the Holy Spirit in us. Thank You, in Jesus’ name, Amen!