
God’s Love for Us

John 3:16-17 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”

This is the Gospel in a nutshell. God had a plan from the beginning. He knew that mankind was going to fall and fail to reach their expectations without a Savior. So, because He loves us so much, (that is amazing in itself), He sent His Son in due season to redeem us back to God.

In order for us to get on board with all that God has for us, and I hope we all want His perfect will in our lives, we have to believe in the Gospel. That is God’s plan to bring us back in favor with Himself.

We have to believe that Jesus was God in the flesh. 

We have to believe that Jesus was born of God through Mary a chosen woman. We have to believe in the virgin birth.

We have to believe that we are redeemed by God, He paid the price to buy us back from a life of sin and separation from God.

We have to believe that Jesus taught us everything that God wanted us to hear in order to know the true God.

We have to believe that Jesus was the spotless lamb and that it was necessary to suffer and die to pay for our sins and failures.

We have to believe that Jesus died so we could live.

We have to believe that ALL our sins were paid for on that cross where Jesus died.

We have to accept the forgiveness and the love that came from God, through His Son to us.

We have to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead freeing us from eternal death, hell and condemnation.

We have to believe that He sits at the right hand of God in His rightful place to make intercession for us continually.

We have to believe that through Jesus we receive eternal life, and we will one day soon be with Him forever, never to suffer any more.

Lord, I believe, and I receive, in Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!