

Proverbs 28:18a ESV
“Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered…”

I have learned some valuable lessons from my father. He was a great man, and his integrity guided him in his personal life and his business.

This Proverb from Solomon’s writings is a good guide for us today in integrity. It doesn’t matter what life brings our way, do the right thing, walk in integrity even if no one is watching. If we will do that, God will preserve, honor, and bless our life.

I have made more than a few blunders in my life. Some took me years to get out of the aftermaths of them. The worst part was remembering the blunders and beating myself up over them long after the blunders were committed.

Now a bit wiser, I’m letting things settle in my mind that I have read in God’s words. I’ve remembered most of my wife’s wise council and remembering my father’s example. I have learned to not be as hasty in my decisions and walk with integrity no matter what the situation is.

Lord, guide us each day in Your word. Teach us integrity in all situations. Give us wise counsel as we walk through this day, in Jesus’s name we ask, Amen!