
His Power, Our Weakness

2 Corinthians 12:9a ESV
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

The only one that has pleasure seeing us writhe in pain and sorrow is satan. Satan attacked Paul and Paul asked Jesus to remove the suffering. However, his pain was for a purpose that Paul could not see but through the pain he saw clearly the power of Jesus working in him.

For me, I had something that happened the other day at work, it was a problem, not near the magnitude of Paul’s suffering, but none the less it made me think deeper into the problem and what was Jesus saying to me. As the problem unfolded, I became frustrated, agitated, why was this happening? I stopped, thought a minute to see if God was trying to show me something, and of course He was.

I did not ask Him to remove the problem, but instead I asked God to show me the implications of what the problem was revealing to me. A lesson learned is a problem averted.

For so long I worked through life just trying to avoid problems and typically making some ignorant decisions. So, for me, I live life by lessons learned.

Sometimes those lessons God sends through my loving wife. I know who is behind her prompting me to become less careless and carefree and better at allowing God to work through me.

I understand Paul’s reaction, not because I think I have suffered as he did, but I have learned the more of my weaknesses that are revealed, the more of God’s power revealed in me.

Lord, show Your power through me today, the less of me, the more of You I ask, Amen!