
A Teachable Heart
Mark 4:25 AMP

“For whoever has [a teachable heart], to him more  [understanding] will be given; and whoever does not have [a yearning for truth], even what he has will be taken away from him.”

Quite honestly this statement applies in every area of our lives. Spiritually, if we follow this statement, we will get the most out of our relationship with God. As we learn more about God, our relationship gets stronger. If we do not keep learning and understanding more about God and what He wants for our lives, what we do know will soon diminish, fade away.

How does that happen? If we do not grow in our relationship with God, we become complacent, stagnant, unresponsive to God’s voice.

Mentally in our lives, if we eagerly desire to learn, possibly for our job or career, or for the things that we consider important in our lives, the more we will understand and retain wisdom. That becomes beneficial for our thought process and cognitive reasoning.

If we do not apply ourselves in getting better in school, our careers or in anything that we consider to be important in our lives, that wisdom, and knowledge will eventually fade away. Physically, if we understand our bodies and know what will make us healthier and we do those things we will become wiser and healthier, perhaps stronger.

If we apply ourselves to understand our friends, spouses, children and perhaps co-workers we will get along with people better. If we do not care to understand ourselves physically or our friends and loved ones in order to have better relationships with them, then we will see a decline in our health and a distancing begins to occur in our relationships.

Back to the spiritual. If we think in our minds that we have heard all there is about God, we are completely and utterly wrong. There is so much wisdom of God to know, that knowledge is so vast, we could never comprehend it all if we lived to be a thousand years old and read the Bible a thousand times. Keep learning and understanding!

Lord, never ever let us be complacent in our relationship with You. Never ever allow us to relax from gaining more wisdom and knowledge of You.

Never ever allow us to be casual concerning our health and wellbeing. Lord, help us to always, always strive to communicate, to love and nurture relationships with our spouses, children, grandchildren, friends, and loved ones. In Your name Lord Jesus, help us to always have a Teachable heart, Amen!