Do Not Say
Jeremiah 1:7 NKJV
“But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.”
Sara the wife of Abraham laughed when she heard God say that she would have a baby at 90 years old, but she did! When God called Moses to be the leader of His people and get them out of Egypt, he told God he could not talk well. When the Angel of the Lord called Gideon to be a leader, his excuse was that he was least in his father’s house and from the smallest tribe of Israel.
In the passage today, Jeremiah told God he was to young to do what God told him to do. God told Jeremiah, to not say that he was too young to go. God would speak through him, all Jeremiah had to do was open his mouth.
Whatever God tells you to do, don’t say why you are not qualified, not educated enough, not talented enough.
Don’t say you are too young or too old or that you can’t speak to people, or that you are not equipped. If God called you, He already has supplied what you need for the task. God never calls someone without equipping them.
Whatever God asks you to do, say like Isaiah, “Here am I send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) Because whatever God asks of you, He will equipt you to do it perfectly.
Lord, when You need us, I pray that we don’t look at our weaknesses, I pray our only thoughts and our only answer is, “Here we are Lord, send us. In Your name Lord, Amen!