What Your Heart Tells You Verses What Your Eyes See
Matthew 14:29b-31 ESV
“So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Often we know what God is telling us to do, but when we go to do it, it looks impossible or scary or out of our character, so we don’t do it. Sometimes God is just trying to stretch our faith.
If we hear God tell us to do something, why can’t we follow through? Instead we trust our own judgment most of the time. Yes, it is human nature to look at a situation and see that it looks impossible, and then second guess what we heard God say. The faith walk is not always easy because we determine what is best.
If Peter would have stayed in the boat, everything would have been fine, nothing ventured, nothing gained, but safe is not always better. It was better to try and fail and have the Master catch him, then never have tried at all. It stretched Peter’s faith.
Lord, when You tell us to move out of our comfort zone, we know You are trying to help us grow. It is not always easy, but help us to trust You more. In Your name Lord, Amen!