
Showing the Character that God Intended to be Seen

Daniel 6:3-4 NASB
“Then this Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commissioners and satraps because he possessed an extraordinary spirit, and the king intended to appoint him over the entire kingdom. Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel regarding government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, because he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him.”

Let me break down verse 3 in three parts that are vital to this devotion. First, in the center of verse 3, it says that Daniel “…possessed an  extraordinary spirit…” According to commentaries, Daniel was wiser, more articulate and savy in his Spirit than the rest of the court officials. His Spirit possessed the Spirit of God.

Second, in the first part of verse 3 it says that, “Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commissioners and satraps…” Two elements express the Spirit of God in Daniel;
One, Daniel’s excellent Spirit rose higher that the groveling, sleezy officials trying to gain the king’s favor. The second says that “Daniel began distinguishing himself.”

He didn’t do this by groveling or postulating in front of the king, he didn’t have to, he just had to be himself at ALL times.

The third part of verse 3 says that because of Daniel’s excellent Spirit the King wanted to put him in charge of the whole kingdom. That is the blessing on Daniel for the Spirit of God in Daniel. What happens next is what people without God do to those who possess the Spirit of God; they want to pull the righteous down. So, they looked for Daniel’s faults and they could not find any. Because Daniel, “was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him.”

Don’t fight or argue with the enemy or people that try to pull you down. Just show them the excellent Spirit of God in you. When they look for your faults, they will not find any because Jesus lives within you.

Lord, arguments and fighting are a waste of our time and energy. Instead we will reflect Your Spirit within us and people and the enemy will grow silent because of You.