God Doesn’t Make Junk
Ecclesiastes 7:29 NLT
“But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.”
God made us in his image and that creation was perfect. But because of jealousy and pride, the first man and the first woman wanted to be like God so they ate from the tree of knowledge. What did that get them? Knowledge of good and evil. Something that changed the course of mankind.
Not everyone is on a downward spiral, as Solomon would suppose, but without God in our lives we would be on a downward spiral. Solomon saw that man without God will never measure up. Man without God lost the glory and glow of being God’s greatest creation.
Jesus brought back that which was lost because of sin; (Colossians 2:14-15) and He brought us back in right relationship with the Father.
Father, everything you have made is perfect, mankind and his own will has mucked it up. But for those who have received Your Son as Savior and confessed their sins, their is hope that we can make a change in our circle of influence. We undoubtedly will not be able to change the whole world but we can try through You!