
Psalms 11:3 ESV
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

The foundations in this passage is God’s ways and His law, all that the righteous society puts their trust in. If virtue and integrity are subverted, destroyed and no longer considered the path to follow, what’s left?

If the world or all those that do not adhere to God’s laws and the norms of the righteous and the unrighteous destroys those foundations then what is left? That is what we are seeing in society today, a destruction of the laws of this land as well as the laws of God.

If the very foundations, the ideals established through God and written by our forefathers in our laws are crumbled up and thrown out what will the righteous do? We will prevail, we will stand on the word of God and His foundations.

We will rest in the oracles of God and stand up for what is right. We will trust in God because this world is not our home we are only here to let our light shine and spread the gospel of peace to a fallen world with no real hope.

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” We will still have a hope and a future because we have God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, they are the foundations of the righteous.

Father, though this world is out of control, following their own dictates and immorality and they desire to destroy all we hope in, they can never take You away from me. Though they try to destroy the foundations that were established by You, those foundations still stand in my heart and my life and will be my testimony and witness.