
Seeking God

Psalms 14:2 AMP
“The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand (act wisely), who [truly] seek after God, [longing for His wisdom and guidance].”

If we truly believe in God, we would seek Him daily, although He is not far from us. In fact, He is closer than most believe. In this passage, David says that God desires several things of those who believe in Him.

Understand what He wants and desires of us. Act wisely and prayerfully in ever situation.

Work to achieve the goals of living in right standing with Him and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

Seek after God everyday and all day long. Most people have no idea how to do that.

It’s a conscious effort of seeking God in the morning before we start our day and then paying attention to the leading of the Spirit all day through. To do that, checks our attitudes, checks our thoughts and motivations and makes us more aware of God in the world.

Father, as You look on me today, I pray I am acting wisely and seeking Your wisdomand I pray that I’m conscious and aware of You throughout my day!