
Psalms 34:5 ESV
“Those who look to Him (God) are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.”

I can’t always count on people to do the right thing or act responsibly or even think the correct thoughts, but that is human nature and they are running their race and I have to run mine. The one constant that we have in our lives is God and God working in the people that we love.

Often people have hurt us or let us down or even severely disappointed us, but that should not stop us from doing the right things, acting the right way and loving like God showed us to love or being the radiance of His glory like He desires.

This past year may have given us pain, sorrows and disappointments but we cannot allow that to define who we are. We look after others but we cannot make them be who they are not. We are being lead along by a higher calling. We march to the beat of The Divine One.

The new year that starts tomorrow isn’t this year. This year brought us many confusing times. 2022 is a brand new year, we have never seen 2022 before.

The things that have gone wrong in 2021 cannot define this next year 2022. It may be the same old thing in the world’s eyes, it may be the same old thing in the governments eyes but we serve a God who does the impossible.

This passage says; “Those who look to Him (God) are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” I call that hope!

Father, my eyes see You, my eyes see hope, my eyes see Your redemption! Thank you for last year, thank you for a brand new year, and a clean slate!