
Judges 3:9 ESV
“But when the people of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people of Israel, who saved them…”

At the time of this passage, Israel is undergoing political and religious turmoil, and the tribes of Israel are at war with each other. God’s judgment comes in the form of foreign oppression. But as Israel repents and cries out to God, he raises up judges to save them.

Why is this verse inspirational? Israel is suffering because of the bad choices they are making, but even in their disobedience and arrogance, God is listening. When they repent, God delivers them.

At times, we too find ourselves in troubles that we’ve created. That doesn’t mean that God has departed from us. When we turn to him, he responds. Even when we make bad choices He puts things in our path to turn us around. That’s because God desires a loving relationship with us.

Father, I cannot thank you enough for Your love, mercy and grace. They always lead me back to you!