Acts 6:3-5 ESV
“Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty…and they chose Stephen…”
The New Testament church was expanding quickly, but as with any new venture with rapid growth, comes contention among people. The Apostles were being pulled into the daily distribution of food and alms so they decided to chose 7 men that would be deacons to take care of this matter.
Steven was one of the obvious choices. He was a godly man, full of the Holy Spirit. But as it does happen in those times, people didn’t like his wisdom, and his deep understanding of the scriptures. They were jealous of Steven so they falsely accused him of teaching false doctrine. Steven was arrested and brought before the council of the Jews.
What he did next was brilliant. He stood before the council and started a history lesson starting with Abraham and working right down to the crucifixion of Jesus. In his final statement, he said, “(you) killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered…” (Speaking of Jesus death) But he preached the word correctly, it was up to the council to accept or reject.
They rejected it but the words were in their minds and forever on their hearts. Steven was killed for his words, but he set the record straight and we are still talking about his witness and his boldness 2000 years later. We may be called on one day to stand up for the name of Jesus, the choice is up to us whether we keep silent or proclaim boldly the name of Jesus.
Father, never let me keep silent when given the opportunity to testify about Your Son!