

1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

Honestly, we do not like times of testing, but those are the times where we can see what we are made of. In times of testing, we are forced to decide to stand in God and fight against the enemy or allow the trials and temptations to shake us to our core.

Everyone goes through these times of testing, from the faithful leaders of our faith to everyday people like you and me. Temptations and trials are a part of life, and each time we are faced with these trials we come to the benchmark of how we are progressing in our walk with God.

The promise in this passage is that God is faithful to us. From the Pope to everyday people, God is watching, strengthening and making a way for us to succeed in life and the times of testing.

  1. God is faithful to us, without reservation or question.
  2. God will not allow for us to be tempted or tested beyond what He knows we can endure with His help.
  3. God will provide in every temptation and in every time of testing a way to escape victorious.
  4. What God wants with every time that we are tested and tempted is that we grow spiritually and more confident in God as our help, shield and strong hold.

Is God tempting us? No, we are drawn away with our own desires. Is God testing us? Typically, God will allow for us to be tested to see if we will trust in God for deliverance. But as He did with Job, God will not allow satan to do just anything that he wants to do in our lives.

Lord, I pray this morning for Your divine protection from sin and evil, from harm and danger, and from sickness and disease. Deliver us from evil Lord. Strengthen us for every testing and temptation and give us spiritual eyes to see the way to succeed and win in every trial. As You did with Job, when we come to the other side of out trials and testing, make us stronger, wiser, and more courageous. In Jesus name we ask, Amen!

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