
The Spirit Speaking to Us

Ezekiel 2:2 NIV
“As He (the Lord) spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard Him speaking to me.”

In the Old Testament the Spirit of God would enter into a prophet and speak on occasions. That’s how God got His messages across in the Old Testament, but the Spirit was not given as a constant.

In the New Testament, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into our lives on a permanent basis. Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” This power is permanent, this power is effervescent, this power is forever and always working in us and through us. “(Acts 1:8)

As a matter of fact, Paul says, “You… are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.” (Romans 8:9) The realm of the Spirit walk is a powerful walk, a meaningful walk and the Spirit works to the Fathers will.

So how does the Spirit speak to us, is it that voice inside our heads? Well, not always. Sometimes the voice in our head is contrary to God. The Spirit speaks to our spirit and motivates us to do, and say and act, according to the will of God. The Spirit is constantly motivating us to have faith in God, trust God and to give us real answers and solutions.

Sometimes the voice in our heads, that is not of God, tells us why we can’t do certain things. It tells us what we cannot become, who we cannot be. That voice limits us. The Spirit of God’s voice, or His prompting lets us know who we can become in Christ, what we can do, and where we can go through His might and power.

Today, listen to the Spirit of God inside. He will always will lead us in truth and life, and He will never tell us to do anything that does not line up with God’s word. The key is to listen intently.

Lord, today, as Your Spirit speaks to us, let us be responsive, receptive, open and discerning. Speak life into us in every situation of our lives today. We long to hear Your voice, to know Your direction for our lives, to lead us beside still waters, to restore our souls. In Jesus name we ask, Amen!

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