
Difficult People

Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31, NIV)

The other day I had to go into an apartment where a difficult tenant lived. I had to work on their air conditioning, and I would be in the apartment for about 2 hours. I had built myself up, prepared what I was going to do and say, how I was going to handle their attitude, how to deflect their words.

Sitting in my truck for a moment before starting the job, I realized that my attitude was wrong. I had prepared myself to protect myself.  Instead, I should be respectful and kind, no matter what they were like. 

So, I prayed, fixed my attitude, put off the anxiety, took off the idea that they were going to be difficult, and looked for an opportunity to be Jesus to someone. When I got to the apartment, the first thing that they said when they opened the door was, “I am so happy to see you!”

Lord, check my attitude, help me to take my guard down where I will be vulnerable, I will be open and receptive. Help me to put on You Lord, where I show grace and mercy. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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