Lifter of My Head
Psalms 3:3 ESV
“But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.”
David knew what it was like to be hated, in fact, he had many enemies. There were times in his life when even his friends betrayed him and those whom he trusted plotted against him.
The one constant in his life was God. God never turned His back on him, never left his side, never left him even when he wasn’t doing the right things. God stayed with him when he was joyfully, in troubled times or even depressed and yes, David was depressed at times, just read the Psalm 88.
But David confesses three things that God is to him: A SHIELD, his GLORY and the one who LIFTS UP his head. God is a shield for heart, soul, spirit and body, WHEN WE LET HIM SHIELD US. God was David’s glory which means He is the most awesome, most powerful God, David’s only God.
God being David’s glory is the reference that he could always count on God as his supreme power that can deliver David from anything. The lifter of David’s head is a reference that God is the only one who could bring David out of sorrow and depression.
Sometimes if you notice people who are depressed, at times their head is bent downward. When we rely on God to lift up our heads, He is not just lifting our physical head up, it means He is the one source who can lift up our minds, will, and emotional state of being.
God, you are my God, my Glory and the lifter of my head.