
Be Still

Psalms 46:10a NIV
“Be still, and know that I am God.”

Sometimes it’s hard to be still in this life. Even when we are at rest our minds are still going. Getting quiet before God is imperative to healing and restoration. Let me explain.

This verse was written with a built-in pause, the comma after “Be still.” In grammar that means there is a pause in the speech flow. So, before we can know God, we have to pause, get quiet and still and get ready for some revelation.

My uncle said one time he was in a Gideon’s meeting and there was a question about people overextending themselves with getting the word of God into the hands of the world. An elderly gentleman rose to his feet and said, “gentlemen and ladies, we cannot burn the candle at both ends and blow smoke into the face of God.” Basically meaning, we cannot run around trying to do good and keep God out of the process, we have to let Him direct our paths.

Humorous antidote but affective. Sometimes we have to pause to know where God is leading. Take a pause to be sure you are on the path that He laid out. Take a pause to get His direction, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of things. This is His agenda, not ours.

After the pause in this literary statement it says, “Know that I am God” This is a personal knowledge, not some secondhand knowledge. This is about a personal relationship. This is about getting to know the almighty God the way He wants to be known, not the way we want to fix Him in our own little box. Our God wants a personal relationship with each and every one of us.

Lord, this is a busy life. Never let me be too busy that I do not come to many points throughout the day where I pause and be still before You. Then and only then will I find my way. Then and only then will I know You like You want to be known. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!