
How to Be Successful

Joshua 1:8 NIV
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

There are hundreds of books written by men and women of how to be successful. Each has their own take on how to achieve financial security and success. God told Joshua how to be successful, and I believe Joshua was a success. He was the second leader of Israel and the one who would finally lead Israel to take possession of the promise land.

God told Joshua; Keep His laws on your lips. In other words, speak them, repeat them, tell others about them. Second, He said to Joshua, meditate on God’s laws day and night, let them be in your thought process continually.

Third, do what God says, put them into your daily practice. Then, at this point, where it is a daily practice, you will be prosperous and successful. This prosperity and success will come in different forms, in favor, in peace, in contentment, in miracles, in healing, in blessings, in love, in friendships, in family, and many other ways. Don’t measure success like the world measures it, let God show up and show out in our lives like He wants to.

Lord, teach me from Your word. Enlighten my heart. Let Your word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway. Let Your words be hidden in my heart.

Let Your words speak to me in the morning and throughout the day. Let Your words run through my mind in the night hours. Help me to teach Your word faithfully. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!