
A Time of Devotion

Isaiah 58:8 ESV
“Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

How do we get the promises of this verse from Isaiah 58? By true fasting, that’s what Isaiah 58 is mostly about. Fasting has always been scary to people, I’m not sure why, because it is a regular activity for health gurus. Fasting cleanses the body, it is like a reset period for cleansing the body. Beyond the health benefits, God had other reasons.

Yes, God knew that fasting was good for our bodies. Most people will fast a meal or a day, whatever is safe for them. God was also looking for the devotion. Taking time out of every activity to spend reading God’s word, meditating on God, praying, singing, praising, all these things are involved in a fast. It’s about the shear devotion, with the health benefits.

Because of this devotion the Lord promised that our light will break forth, in simple, clarity will come. Clarity to know what to do, what to say, where to go.

Healing would spring forth, understand, healing is not just a physical healing. More times than not it is a mental healing, emotional healing, healing of the heart, healing of the mind and healing of the body. Those healings happen when we devote time for God.

Righteousness will go in front of us. The favor of God, the right standing with God will lead our way. The glory of the Lord will be our rearguard. No more looking over our shoulders (metaphorically speaking).

We can trust God to lead, and we can trust God that He is watching our back. He knows how sneaky the enemy is and that the enemy is a coward and will try to catch us off guard. God has our back!

Lord, we put my trust in You! Asking for a little time for devotion to You, Listening to You, seeking Your face is not too much to ask. If we want blessings, we have to spend time with You, Amen!

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