
Perfect Peace

Isaiah 26:3 ESV
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

Let me put a little clarification into this passage; “You (the Lord our God) keep him (that’s all of us) in perfect peace (that is peace that is not only perfect for God but perfect for us as well. Philippians 4:7 calls it peace which passes all understanding. It is so wonderful that we cannot describe it in words. We want that kind of peace) whose mind (when our minds are focused on God and His will) is stayed on You (the Lord our God), because he (that’s us) trusts (completely without reservation leaning, relying on God) in You (the Lord our God).

It’s not a lot to ask if we truly want perfect peace in our lives. It doesn’t mean all the troubles are gone and everything, and everyone is still, it just means that we have a perfect peace inside our hearts, minds, and spirits in the midst of any and every situation, even in the storms of life.

We find peace and solace in God, where in His presence is fulness of joy. We find a hiding place. We find a place that even if we do not have all the answers, we still trust and lean on God, because He does have all the answers.

Lord, keep us in perfect, PERFECT peace as we keep leaning on You, trusting in You, relying on You, seeking You. We trust You with our life, and with the lives of our children, grandchildren, family, loved ones, and friends. WE pray You can trust us to hold up our part and keep trusting You, no matter what we see or how we feel. In You name Lord Jesus, we ask, Amen!

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