
The Burden is Not Mine to Carry

Matthew 11:28-29 NKJV
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

We have used this scripture in so many different forms but let me set the record straight if I may. Jesus is saying “come to Me.” This is stating that He is the authority. The one who truly can and does provide all we need, and He can and does supply the relief that we need.

When I was young in the Pentecostal church, we were burdened with messages that seemed to tell us how bad we were. We did hear how good God is, the blessings that the Son brings. How the gifts the Holy Spirit provides, but the burdens of our sins seemed to be a bone of contention.

As I grew into my teens, my sins and transgressions seemed too heavy to bear and I thought there was no way I was fit for the Kingdom of God. As I grew in the Lord, The burdens that I bore were lifted off of my heart and mind. I found out that I just needed to trust Jesus, to follow Him and He will make my burdens light.

Jesus said, “take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.” As I became more mature in my walk I realized this yoke, His yoke, was not a burden. It was a sigh of relief because He was beside me bearing the true load for me.

When Jesus says that He is gentle and lowly of heart, that is true compassion for what I am going through on this earth.

The rest for my soul is; I am free from the burden of sin because of Jesus’s perfect sacrifice. I can now get on with my life. I’m forgiven, I’m set free, my burdens have lifted. Now I am walking with Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I cast my burdens on You. I am free because of Your sacrifice. You replaced my burdens with peace of mind and heart. My burdens have been lifted at Calvary! In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!