
His Most Prized Possession

1 Peter 2:9 ESV
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

Sometimes it baffles me how much God loves us. I’m taken back by all that He has provided; He gave us this world to enjoy, He gave us the beautiful sunrises and the sunsets.

Most of all I am amazed at His great love for us. That He would send His Son to pay the price for our redemption. He knew we would fail again and again, and we would come crawling back asking forgiveness and He readily forgives.

I’m thankful for His written words that I can go to daily and find comfort, hope, peace and guidance. I’m thankful that His great Words reveal to me His great love and mercy and truth.

I’m thankful for His great love that He gave us His Holy Spirit to live in us and through us. He convicts of sin, and He prays for us when we do not have the words to pray.

I’m overjoyed that His Holy Spirit gives us insight and direction, and empowers us to do the Father’s will. I’m amazed knowing today we may do good, or we may trip up and fall at some point but we are still precious in God’s eyes.

I’m thankful that He finds value in us that we do not see within ourselves. I’m thankful that today no matter what happens, He loves us, He lifts us, and gives us the strength to carry on. I’m thankful that He values us and sets up a hope and a future for us despite who we think we are or what we think we are worth.

Lord, I’m humbled by Your love. I’m thankful that You brought us from darkness to life. I’m thankful that no matter what we think of ourselves, You see great potential in us. You see us as Your children. People worthy to be called children of the Most High God, Thank You! Amen!