
Understanding Scripture

Psalms 119:18 NIV
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law (Word).”

As a child i read the bible because that was what i was taught to do. However, the scriptures were not easy to understand unless they were explained and many times the use of an illustration. Back then flannel boards with pictures were used and helped with the understanding.

When I was nineteen, I moved away from home, and I was introduced to different translations of the Bible like the New International Version and the New American Standard version. Now at the touch of a figure tip I can see just about any translation of the Bible that I want to read.

There are over 450 translations of the Bible, not counting thousands of commentaries of the Bible. There are Bibles that we can read, listen to, and there are visual aid Bibles. They have children’s Bibles, Bibles designed to speak to women, men, and teenagers.

What has been my “go to,” in my Bible studies is the fact that I can pick out a subject matter and search the online Bible apps and find scriptures that pertain to those subjects. I have found answers to questions and help in the times of need. Directions when I could not find my way through a situation, comfort when I needed it, and answers for life, love and getting along with people.

Mostly what I have found is who God is, why he created all things, why He created me and what He wants me to do for Him.

As always in these devotions, we should use the information from God’s Word for ourselves first, then pass it on.

Lord, we are without the old excuse, “I don’t understand the Bible.” It has been made abundantly clear for anyone and all ages. “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law (Word).”