

Deuteronomy 7:17 NIV
“You may say to yourselves, “These nations are stronger than we are. How can we drive them out?”

Moses is speaking to the children of Israel in the dessert. He addresses their thoughts, what they are saying to themselves in their minds. They were brought out of slavery by a mighty God, but they still saw themselves as slaves.

God can bring us out of lack and defeat, but if the lack and defeat is what we remember all the time, it will be where we will abide.

We all have a self-talk going on, but where is the direction of that self-talk within us? If we say, like the children of Israel, that we are not sufficient, not capable, lacking in strength, we are who or what we say we are.

If we say that today is going to be just another day, it will be as we say. If we say that we will never defeat a problem that we have, we will never defeat it.

Since we serve a God that has overcome in our lives in so many ways, where we were yesterday does not have to control today. Change the self-talk, say, “I am well able to defeat this problem I am facing with the help of our mighty God.”

Say “I will overcome this lack mentality.” Say “I am who God says I am!” Change the negative mind set, change the defeated self-talk and say who God says you are until you become who God says you are.

Lord Jesus, as You have rescued us from our circumstances and lack, help us in our self-talk say who You say we are and what You say we will be. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!