
He is Still Working On Me

Philippian 4:12-13 ESV
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

Just a word on adversity, we need to find the secret to just be at peace. I am still trying to learn about anxiety and peace. I was at work this past Monday where it seems like so many were pushing my buttons. I knew from the beginning it was not everyone else, I knew it was me having one of those days.

How did I know? I had a warning, in the morning. The Father told me in my spirit, “When someone gets on your nerves today, don’t react, just go with it and remove yourself from the situation.”

Did I heed the warning, I would love to tell you yes, but the answer is no. It wasn’t until someone got on my nerves later on Monday, that I knew it wasn’t the other person, even though they were being a annoying, it was me. I did not handle the situation in my head very well and I upset myself.

I told my wife on the way home, that I upset myself. I allowed a few people to upset me, and I did not learn the secret of how to be calm in the midst of a storm. Don’t worry, I will have plenty of opportunities in my business to get it right next time.

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me,” and I need to listen to the Spirit better. What was the kid song in Sunday School? “He is still working on me, to make me what I ought to be…”

Lord, I need You, I need the secret to be at peace no matter what is raging around me. Give me that inner peace. Thank You for the warning, I’m sorry that I did not heed the warning very well. But I know that “I can do all things through Him (Jesus Christ) who strengthens me.” In Your name Lord I humbly bow, Amen!