
Holding On

Psalms 91:14 ESV
“Because he (you and me) holds fast to Me (God) in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows My name.”

Understand the prerequisite in this passage, it’s actually pretty simple; Hold fast to God in love. What does that mean, how do we do that?

We love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and we stay with that love just as hard as we can. We hold on to Him just like He was all that we have, because in essence, He is all we have! Hold on to Him like He has all the answers, all the delivering power, and He is all that really matters.

I have seen people go through devastating losses. I have seen spouses and children that have left this life and gone on to meet the Lord and leave their families devastated. Some things did not make sense to me, but I am confident, God was not surprised by any of it. I believe God gave strength, hope and peace through all of it because He knew it was going to happen. Some choose not to lean on God in their hour of loss and pain, but He is still there.

I have seen a family ripped apart with the loss of a young son, but in the end, I saw those in that family that held on tight to God come through with faith, security and peace. I also saw those in that very same family that did not trust God and they blamed God and flounder most of their lives wondering why God didn’t stop it.

We may not understand everything in this life, but one thing that I know for sure, God ALWAYS has a plan. He is never reactionary or passive. He sees it before it happens, He is already setting things up for us days, weeks, years in advance.

Today, hold fast to God, He has all the answers, all the peace, all the security, all the mercy, all the grace and love that we need to make it through.

Lord, not my will today, but Yours be done in me and my family and friends. In Jesus name I ask, Amen!