

Psalms 16:11 ESV
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Sometimes in life we need a pause button. Stop the world from spinning a thousand miles an hour, stop the chaos in our lives and stop the chaos in our families’ lives. A pause button in our finances would help, a pause button at work would be great. A pause button in our political arena would be awesome.

The only pause button that we get is when we put everything in a box and slide it over to Jesus and say, “Can You fix this please, I’m not doing well on my own.” Letting go and trusting Him is the key, but it is so hard to let go.

David says that God revealed his path. I believe that God can reveal to me and you our path that we should be on. Understand, my path is not your path, and your path is not my path, we are heading in the same direction, just with different paths to trod.

David also told us where to find the beautiful things in our relationship with God. Because of Jesus Christ, we can be in God’s presence anytime and anywhere. In His presence we find the pleasures only He can give, the peace, the contentment, the acceptance, forgiveness, everything we need to find pause from the chaos of life.

Lord, sometimes we cannot seem to get off the roller coaster ride of life, it just keeps going up and down and round and round. But I see the secret that David had, it was to get in Your presence. In Your presence is fullness of joy, a break from the roller coaster ride, and pleasures forevermore, actually enjoying life. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!