

Proverbs 27: 19 NLT
“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”

We often think of ourselves as either more or less than we really are. Some may have a high estimation of themselves, and some may have a low estimation of themselves. What really reveals who we are? According to Solomon in this Proverb, our reflection will show our outward self, but our heart reveals our character.

Jesus said in Luke 6:45, “A good person produces good from the good treasury of the inner self, while an evil person produces evil from the evil treasury of the inner self. The inner self overflows with words that we speak.” Our words will reveal what is in our heart, and by that measure, people will know what drives us, who we really are.

The outer self is just a shell that will one day fade away, but the inner person will live forever. We want to be known by our heart and Spirit.

Lord Jesus, sometimes we do not want people to see inside, who we really are. We put on fronts and a brave face to camouflage what is going on inside. Wash us, clean us up, make us more like You every day.

We want to reflect the glory of God; we want to be the glory of God. When people see us, we do not want them to see a mess. When we speak, we do not want them to hear a pretense, we want them to say, “Ah yes, they have truly been with Jesus.”

In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!