Stop the Madness
Proverbs 26:20 ESV
“For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.”
The concept is simple enough, if there is no fuel source the raging fire will soon burn out. When I was an associate pastor, we associates were told by the pastor, “Whenever you are around any of the church people, you carry two pales, one filled with gas, the other filled with water. If someone speaks negative words, you have a choice, pour on the gas, or pour on the water.”
The principle is correct. You can either feed the negativity, or you can extinguish it, the latter is the more prudent way. In regard to this principle, we go to the latter part of this verse. “…where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.”
We cannot always get rid of the whisperer or tale bearer, but we can stop them in their tracks by refusing to listen to their tales. Getting others to do the same, would in fact get rid of the tale bearers.
Lord Jesus, guard my heart, but with my heart, guard my ears as well. Teach me to not listen to those who would spread rumors, lies or contention. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!