
Faithful to Complete the Job

Philippians 1:6 AMP
“I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].”

Quite a few years ago, my wife and I were at a prayer meeting at 6am one morning. It was a common practice for us to be at the prayer meeting, but during this time in our lives I had a distressing situation that I needed an answer to.

At the time of sharing at the end of the prayer service, the leader asked what God was saying to us. A gentleman stood up and began to share a song that He had heard on the radio. He did not sing it, but he told of the words of the song. The song was, “He Who Began a Good Work in You,” by Steve Green.

The gentleman shared, “God has a plan and He has everything under control, what God started He will finish, just trust Him.” It was an obvious answer, but it was at a crucial time for me and the answer was what I was looking for, for my situation. In the months to come, God completed the work, and He still gets all the glory when I tell people what God did and in such a miraculous fashion.

This morning, if things seem to have come to a halt, or if things have grown stale, keep the faith, keep moving forward, keep believing. Give everything, EVERYTHING over to God, He will finish His perfect work in you. You will come out of this stronger, more energized, alive, free, and rejoicing knowing the victory came from the Lord.

Lord, when we have come to a block wall, so to speak, and we can’t see around it, remind us You are not finished with us yet. We hold to Your unchanging hand. We stand upon the promises of Your word and the promise that “He who has begun a good work in you (us) will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].” Thank You Jesus, Amen!