
Keep On Track

2 Peter 3:17b-18a
“…be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled (people who distort the truth) men [who distort doctrine] and fall from your own steadfastness [of mind, knowledge, truth, and faith], but grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”

Sometimes in this life when we fall or fail, it is because we get our eyes off of the truth, and off of Jesus and His way. Peter makes a compelling argument with these followers in exile, he says to them to be on guard.

I find that when people start slacking from prayer, devotion, Bible reading, they lose their way, they forget where they came from and lose sight of where they are supposed to be. Peter warns that there are those who distort the truth, get us off our path and lead us down a slippery slope. We don’t have to look for these people, they find us.

Peter admonishes these exiles to be on guard not to follow after falsehood but to remain faithful to Jesus and His way for their lives. Remaining steadfast means to remain spiritually strong and courageous. To be unwavering and deeply committed to God despite what others are doing or not doing.

Peter directs these followers to grow spiritually in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How do we do that? By keeping our eyes on Jesus, by reading what He taught us (the best book of the Gospel for this is John). By communicating with Jesus daily (that means we talk, He listens, then He talks, and we listen).

Lord, I cast down imaginations and every high thing that keeps me separated from You. I bring into captivity every thought to Your obedience. I choose today to walk in You and You in me. Lead in my path and help me to not get caught up in someone else’s path. In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, in obedience to You, Amen!