
Revelation Knowledge

Ephesians 1:17 ESV
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him…”

This Spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge is available to all God’s children. To know and search the unfathomable things of God should always be our quest but sadly many never indulge.

The creator of the Universe, God the Father, has so much insight into the things physical, mental and spiritual. You would think all would dive in and find all that God wants them to know.

I have heard many times from people, “If God wants me to know more, He will give it to me.” Well, God wants us to ask, seek and find, knock and the door will be open, He said that. (Matthew7:7-8)

Why do we need this wisdom, insights, and revelation knowledge? Knowledge and insight is power. We can understand the things of this life in a greater way if we will dig into the things of God.

These insights will give us understanding, direction, and perception. Simple things of life will not sideline us if we are listening and following God, seeking God and His truths.

Today, Lord Jesus, I pray for insight, direction, discretion, special abilities and wisdom for everyone reading this. Let them see You through the Father’s eyes. Let them know and understand the deep things of God that will allow them to get over the obstacles that life affords. Give them a heart of a warrior to press in and seek until they find all that they need from You. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!