
Believing God

James 2:23 ESV
“And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God.”

Abraham believed God and God counted it as a place of right standing with God. God was impressed with Abraham. Understand this was early on in Abraham’s life, before he became the Father of Judaism, before he was really known as the father of faith.

I discovered something recently. I was praying for something one morning early, about 4:30 in the morning. As I was asking God for something, and I started making my case when I realized my words. 

Did I trust God to do the right thing or was I going to try and convince him my way was the right way? I’m not a brilliant man, but I think I have enough brains to know my Father, and His way is always the best way. 

I asked again, then I stopped. I did not beg or plead my case, I just asked and began to thank Him for His will to be done. Trusting that He already knows what is best.

It is human nature to justify why we want what we want, when we want it. It’s commendable to believe God knows what is best for us, and to ask, and believe God will do that right thing.

Father, thank you for hearing me, thank you for Your perfect will. I believe You want what is best for me and all those that I am concerned about. I trust You, I believe You can trust me to walk in Your will, Amen!