
Expectations of the Righteous

Pslams 5:3 NLT
“Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.”

David had an amazing trust in God. God continually blessed him and gave him favor. I believe the trust came first, and then the favor. Let me explain.

Our God is a loving, gracious, and merciful God. All He requires is our faithfulness to Him, obeying, trusting and believing in Him. When we do that, the windows of heaven open up and He pours out blessings that are too much to take in.

Can we imagine David getting up in the morning, worshipping God, getting a cup of coffee, going out to sit on his terrace and talking to God like we would talk to a best friend. In the middle of this conversation with God, he asks for a few things and then waits expectantly. He doesn’t fret about his requests or pace up and down wondering when God is going to move. He doesn’t beg God or get agitated when things are not happening fast enough.

David just waits expectantly knowing God is going to move on hus behalf. Knowing it will happen in God’s time, God’s way, and that is great with David.

Today ask, but then trust God’s answer. Trust God’s timing and expect God to do the right thing for us.

Lord, thank you for all the times that we asked, and You did the right things for us, Your way, in Your time. Thank You for the times that even though we got impatient with You, You remained patient with us. Help us when we ask, to wait on You because You have impeccable timing. Thank You for hearing us, thank You for Your answers, thank You for Your patience, Amen!