
What Are You Seeking

John 1:35-38a ESV
“The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.  Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?”

John and Andrew evidently knew some things about the coming Messiah and the work that He would do. For them to leave John the Baptists ministry and follow Jesus showed signs that they were indeed curious of what Jesus was going to do next. Their question to Jesus gives us a clue that they probably wanted to meet up with Him later to ask more questions.

Jesus had a habit of getting right to the point, so He asks the two men, “what are you seeking?” His question can be best paraphrased as, “what is it you are really looking for in me?” Yes, Jesus knew their hearts, but revelation usually comes when a question is asked and without thinking the other persons responds.

We don’t know a lot about Andrew, but John as we see in the Gospel of John, will be totally sold out for Jesus. This morning, if we are seeking Jesus on the Lord’s Day, what are we seeking. Are we seeking a Savior? Are we seeking healing? Are we seeking peace? Do we want all that Jesus has to offer or are we just looking for what will appease us for the moment.

What is best is just to be in the presence of Jesus and receive all that He has to offer and all that He wants for our lives. To seek Him, is to know Him, is to love Him, and trust Him. He has great things in store for our lives. If today He turns and asks us, “what are you seeking this morning,” just say, “I want all that You have for me Lord.”

We seek You Lord. We seek to follow You, to love You, to serve You. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!