
Romans 8:6 ESV
“For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”

I know this verse sounds so simple, most will read right past it without giving it a thought. Yet, it is so complex that it hangs between life a death, cursed and the blessed, and between torment and peace.

Yesterday we learned that we only have two choices; either live life where we are controlled by the flesh or live life where we live to please God in the Spirit. There can be no cross over. It’s one or the other. Easy to speak that, hard to live it. Because to live life in the Spirit is to be all out for God!

I have looked at this scripture upside down and inside out for 30 years, why is it so complex? Because we try to live both lives but it is impossible. God knows when we are in and when we are not. I know most will say, “God knows we are human, He understands our short coming. Yes He does, but He still says life in the flesh is death, and life in the Spirit, brings life and peace.

If we try to excuse our walk in the flesh it still implicates spiritual death. The only thing that matters is how we walk in the Spirit of God, trusting Him, not excusing the flesh, but living in the Spirit of God!

Lord, help me to live life in the Spirit, while I still embody the flesh, I choose to follow the Spirit To attain the best life that I can now. It’s a tough walk but I chose life and peace!