
Happy Independence Day

Psalms 33:12 ESV
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!”

Much of America is seeking to live on their own merit, with their own thoughts and living by their emotions not thinking of any consequence.

A nation in decline is a nation who puts away their values and morals and lives as though today is all we have to look forward to. A nation in decline is a nation who rejects God and the standards that He sets. A nation in decline is a nation that trashes our past heroes that built this great land in the name of God.

This nation has never been perfect, but it was built on God given freedom and it is that freedom that we celebrate today. Our forefathers came to this land to live free, to worship God in freedom and to set up a better way of life.

When we follow God and hold fast to His standards, morals and values, and honor God as the supreme authority, we are a people who are blessed. We may not represent all of America, but we will stand proudly proclaiming Jesus as our Savior and Lord.

We believe in the American dream while holding on to God’s unchanging hand. We will do our civil duty despite what the rest of America is doing. We will stand and celebrate our God and this country. We honor the heroes of the past who had the foresight, the boldness, the stamina, and who were used of God to preserve a nation unto God.

God, save America from demise from within itself. Outside foes are not our greatest enemy, those within our borders are seeking to destroy what You have built. I would ask that You bless America Father, but first of all save America, and save us from ourselves. Snatch us out of the fire that rages to destroy all our ancestors have built. For those who trust in You, bless us, preserve us, preserve our freedom and our God given rights. Make us strong, proud and keep us free. Thank You for the allowing us to be born in what we believe is the greatest nation on earth. In Jesus name, Amen!